
Hello 👋!

I'm a 4th year Computer Science student at University of Victoria, with a strong focus on Networking and Security. Beyond my academic pursuits, I'm deeply passionate about Cryptography, Linux, and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS).

My journey through the tech industry has led me to roles at various startups and freelancing opportunities, where I've authored code as a full-stack software developer. These experiences have introduced me to the modern web technologies, and standard security practices.

Motivated to learn, I constantly seek to leverage my skills and expertise to contribute meaningfully to the realms of cybersecurity and open-source innovation.


Full-stack Developer @ INSO System

Oct 2023 - Jan 2024
  • Implemented JWT and Session Cookie authentication for enhanced system security.

  • Developedkknd maintained a API's with CRUD operations.

  • Applied SQL knowledge for seamless database management and migration.

  • Streamlined deployment and development processes using Docker.

Front-end Developer @ Hey Nova

May 2023 - Nov 2023
  • Developed responsive and accessible UI using mordern technologies (ReactJS/NextJS, SCSS, TailwindCSS) and CMSs (Airtable, Prismic).

  • Queried GraphQL servers and Firebase for data integration.

  • Collaborated with external clients to deliver and implement key features.

Sales Representative @ TELUS Retails LTD.

Apr 2017 - Dec 2020
  • Delivered customized communication solutions to clients, ensuring integration of services tailored to their specific needs.

  • Conducted thorough credit checks as part of the sales process to ensure financial eligibility for customers.

  • Resolved instances of fraudulent activity by implementing effective problem-solving skills and collaborating with relevant teams.



A Rust program designed to encrypt/decrypt files securely using the Advanced Encryption Standard in Galois/Counter Mode, or AES-GCM, with a 256-bit key generated by applying the scrypt key derivation function on user input password to protect against brute force attack.

  • Rust
  • KDF

INSO Housing

INSO Housing is a charitable initiative that assists homeless shelter management by facilitating occupant tracking and establishing a network to streamline communication among shelters. It was developed using Golang for the backend, MySQL as the database, Docker for containerization, and ReactJS for the frontend.

  • Go
  • MySQL
  • Docker
  • React.js

Silver Rock

A website for a property developer written in NextJS, complete with a custom-built CMS. The website is hosted by Vercel, with it's database being provided by Supabase.

  • Next.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • Node.js
  • TailwindCSS

(VikeLabs) UVic Open API

UVic Open API is the go-to data hub for VikeLabs projects, like StudySpaceFinder! The server is written in Golang and a SQLite database. This API dynamically fetches the latest data from UVic Banner each semester, providing the most up-to-date information for every term.

curl https://uvic-api.fly.dev/ssf/buildings
  • Go
  • SQLite
  • Docker

